Saturday, May 28, 2011

Zip, Zip... Homework

     I liked the overall reading of this book. The illustrations began on the copyright page and continued all the way through the last page of the book. I assumed the story was going to be about a student doing homework or not liking homework assignments. After reading the story, I learned there was much more to the plot than that. This book was unique from the common stories about disliking homework and I enjoyed it for that reason. The story's message was about being a responsible student and not losing your assignments; however if you do find yourself in that position, the worst thing to do is lie about it.
      I think this is a great resource for parents or teachers to use, because of its originality and realistic life situations. Students need to be taught about their responsibilities as both a societal being, as well as, representing a good student status.

Zip, Zip... Homework
By: Nancy Poydar
Published in 2008

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