Sunday, May 29, 2011

I Never Knew Your Name

      I found this story to be semi-controversial, but more upsetting than anything. It successfully evoked a response from me as a reader, but I feel like it may be too much for a young child to handle. It may entirely go over their head. The story is structured with inferences and I'm not sure a child would catch on. I feel this story would best be used when a child is read to by an adult. That way an explanation can clarify any confusing points.
      The pictures were interestingly painted and I think that may draw the student readers in. Instead of detailed characters, the people were painted as figures without the little characteristics that stories tend to use to further express a person. I'm fearful that students may be scared off by the "suicide" scene, and miss the underlying message. The book leaves much up to mystery and kids may not make the proper connections. I think this is a book kids can read when in need of a story that touches on this topic. Suicide is a difficult topic for anyone to discuss and this can be a starting point for readers. Eventually, a better resource should be looked into.

I Never Knew Your Name
By: Sherry Garland
Illustrated by: Sheldon Greenberg
Published in 1994

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