Sunday, May 22, 2011

Compost Stew

     I thoroughly enjoyed this picture book and look forward to sharing it with future students and young children. Not only are the pictures absolutely adorable, but the story is filled with a wonderful word scheme. The illustrations consist of little paper fragments pieced together to make full pictures. The fragments were taken from what appeared to be recycled materials. It had a very organic mood to it, which is more than appropriate considering it is an "A to Z Recipe for the Earth". This book covers content involving the earth and the importance of protecting it, as well as, the letters of the alphabet.
     Considering it has such a cross-curricular purpose, I feel the students will really enjoy reading this book. Many of the students may not even realize they are learning about several vital topic areas. The book is written with a lovely rhyme and few words, leaving the imagination to take over as the kids look at the pictures presented. The words do not explain what the illustrations are or what the characters are doing in that particular picture, so the audience gets to learn more about the story through viewing the illustrations. I feel this would be very beneficial for young children to read, because it is as enjoyable as ever, but still educates the kids on very important topics.

Compost Stew
By: Mary McKenna Siddals
Illustrated by: Ashley Wolff
Published in 2010

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