Thursday, June 2, 2011

When A Pet Dies

     My initial reaction to this story was that of uncertainty. I felt this was very controversial. Not only is this a challenging topic for students to grasp, but it is also rather realistic in its use of photographed pictures. At one point they show the family burying the pet. Yes, that is a part of the death process and is important to know, but the pictures seemed a bit harsh and I'm not sure I would feel comfortable sharing that with a young child.
     I do like how the story is fairly straightforward in mentioning how an event such as this one could emotionally affect a child. It is important for a student to understand that sad things sometimes happen and that it is not in our control. Overall, I think this is a book that should be decided to use based on parental consent. I feel that I would not put this in my classroom.

When A Pet Dies
by: Fred Rogers
Published in 1988

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